Automated Product Descriptions in Multiple Languages for Rensa

Boost your online sales by with generated AI descriptions in multiple languages

As a technical wholesaler, Rensa occupies a prominent position on the market of heating and ventilation. From a modern logistics concept, the Rensa group supplies goods throughout Europe to professional installers in residential and commercial construction. The Rensa group carries 1.3 million products, of which 400,000 are in the Netherlands.


For the online sale of products it is necessary that the products of Rensa are provided with product properties and product descriptions. These product descriptions should preferably be available in multiple languages, so that these products can also be easily found by the Google search engines. However, writing compelling and unique product texts is not easy and is often time consuming. That is why Rensa was looking for a smart software solution that automatically generates marketing texts based on product data.

Solution has developed a smart online text generation platform that can automatically generate product descriptions based on product properties. The generated product descriptions are all unique and can be generated in multiple languages for each product. The product descriptions are generated using templates in combination with smart Machine Learning technology. For each product group there is a template with basic texts, alternative texts, conditions for the use of texts and priorities. An intelligent “shuffling” algorithm ensures that a unique product description is generated for each product.


Using’s software, Rensa is now able to digitize its entire portfolio of products at a much faster rate. This applies not only to the fast selling products, but also to the long-tail products. The result is that each product has a unique product description and is therefore much easier to find in the Google search results. The improved findability in Google means that products are found more often and are sold more. In addition, Rensa’s products can now be made available quickly in multiple languages, which has considerably increased the sales area.

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