November 28th, 2024  •  11:30 am CET

Complete Your Product Data with AI

Enriching product data is more important than ever. Providing a complete and detailed overview of a product not only strengthens the customer’s decision-making process but also delivers a seamless shopping experience. Moreover, comprehensive product data makes it easier for customers to filter products based on their preferences and needs. In short, incomplete product information means missed opportunities!


About this webinar

As of 2024, there are numerous smart tools available to enrich your product data. During this webinar Guus van de Mond shared insights on how advanced AI technology can bridge gaps in your product information. He also explored new possibilities for using AI to supplement or even fully generate product information, including product images. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your knowledge of AI and product data. 

What you'll learn


Guus van de Mond

Founder and CEO

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